
Mauve Morpho and BackBlaze data storage solution

Unlimited, Automatic, Easy Data Storage for your Business

Why Choose BackBlaze?

BackBlaze is a very affordable, very reliable backup cloud storage. Whenever possible, our goal is to get you off of your local server– but if for some reason we can’t, BackBlaze is a fantastic option to keep everything securely backed up.

Even if we are able to migrate you from your local server seamlessly, it might make sense to use BackBlaze for certain things such as ultra-large files, or files not currently relevant to your caseload. Think about the amount of space you could save if you had a secure, affordable data storage solution for all of your discovery video files from the last 10 years! 

BackBlaze has three billion gigabytes of data storage under management, and dollar for dollar is one of the  best cloud storage providers out there.

Still unsure which software to choose? We can help! We have become experts in this field so you don’t have to. Our team is ready to help you determine the right fit, get you acquainted with the software, and continue to strengthen our relationships with these companies in order to provide our clients with the best deals and best care possible.

Choosing legal software is hard. There are a hundred options, and it can be really difficult to picture your firm and processes fitting perfectly in any of them. We are experts in the area and would by happy to help you start narrowing down what software might work best for your firm, for free.


No prep needed - Two free calls to set you on the right path.

Come as you are, first call will talk through where you are and things to consider in picking software. Second call you will share some decisions based on the first call and we’ll talk about some software options that might be a good fit, then we’ll decide if it makes sense to work on any of it together or send you to work on it on your own.

Questions or Ready to Start?

Let us help you figure out what software is the right option for you.

Let us help you dial in your software to be everything you are hoping it will be. Of course, we’ll start with figuring out which software you need, but we can do very quick builds for small firms who need something yesterday.